Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nine and Ten Weeks Pregnant

Nine Weeks Pregnant

Ten Weeks Pregnant
It's been a huge relief to make it to my 10th week and hear the baby's heartbeat. As a special education teacher I am all too aware of the complexities of making a baby and how many things can go wrong in the process. Hearing the heartbeat was such a huge emotional experience and it made this pregnancy so much more real. My growing belly has also helped with that! As you can see from the pictures above I am showing quite a bit and I've had some mixed feeling about this. I know it's a little early to be showing quite this much, and we are concerned about the possibility of twins since they run heavily on my side. We'll just have to wait until 18 weeks and see! The past few days I have been experiencing much less nausea, no vomiting, and a slight increase in my energy level. Hopefully I'll continue this and be back to a normal schedule soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Baby's Heartbeat!

On June 15, 2009 we heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time! Since I am still early (10 weeks) the doctor said we may not hear it at this appointment, but as soon as she started the doppler we heard it loud and clear! It clocked in at 170 beats per minute (normal and healthy according to the doctor) and she said my risk of miscarriage has now dropped significantly! Yeah, now I can worry about everything else that could go wrong! I'm already a nervous mom! I've also put on 6 pounds since my last appointment, right square in my belly. My doctor said this is on the high side and we're hoping that it'snot going to be twins on the ultrasound!

We're Having a Baby!

We're Pregnant!

5 Weeks Pregnant

6 Weeks Pregnant

7 Weeks Pregnant

8 Weeks Pregnant

Surprise! We found on on May 5th that we are expecting a little bundle of joy sometime around January 9, 2010. We couldn't have been more excited (or suprised!) to find out and so far the pregnancy has been very uneventful, except for my constant nausea/vomiting. Supposedly that's a sign of a healthy pregnancy, so I'll take it I guess! The pregnancy couldn't have come at a better time, since I found out shortly before school got out and I've been sleeping ever since! I am definitely looking forward to my second trimester when the sickness and exhaustion is supposed to lift!